Thursday, July 28, 2011

To color or Not to color....that is the question

As a hairstylist I have been asked over a  millions times...  can I color my hair? Do you think my hair is strong enough for color?, Will color break my hair off? To these questions I say yes and no...

The truth is if not done correctly and in moderation any chemical can break the hair, dry it out and have other damaging effects.  There are factors you must consider before coloring your hair such as:

*Previous chemical service( relaxer, perms, or prior color service)
* Condition of the hair (elasticity, porosity)
*Daily maintenance (Styling tools, products, and techniques)
I know that many people do their color at home, but it is  my professional advise that you visit a professional colorist, because so much can happen when trying to achieve a certain color.

If you have chosen to take your natural hair color lighter, you will find it necessary to want to color your hair more then recommended to continue the look of having lighter hair. Considering the hair grows about an half an inch a month some people will want to hide any visible signs of new growth. This is a bad idea. If at all possible you should extend your next color process to at least 8-10 weeks.

I personally have chosen to color my locs a lighter color, and because I am natural and I dont like how coloring softens my hair I have chosen to color every 6 months, yes this does give me a considerable amount of dark hair growth, but I'am cool with that. The health and integrity of my hair is most important.

While the advice above is the best I can offer to someone who wishes to color their hair, I personally would say less is best.

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